Download BookDivine Discontent The Religious Imagination of W. E. B. Du Bois

[Ebook.V8bH] Divine Discontent The Religious Imagination of W. E. B. Du Bois

[Ebook.V8bH] Divine Discontent The Religious Imagination of W. E. B. Du Bois

[Ebook.V8bH] Divine Discontent The Religious Imagination of W. E. B. Du Bois

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Book Details :
Published on: 2011-08-12
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Original language: English
[Ebook.V8bH] Divine Discontent The Religious Imagination of W. E. B. Du Bois

W. E. B. Du Bois is an improbable candidate for a project in religion. His skepticism of and, even, hostility toward religion is readily established and canonically accepted. Indeed, he spent his career rejecting normative religious commitments to institutions and supernatural beliefs. In this book, Jonathon Kahn offers a fresh and controversial reading of Du Bois that seeks to overturn this view. Kahn contends that the standard treatment of Du Bois turns a deaf ear to his writings. For if we're open to their religious timbre, those writings-from his epoch-making The Souls of Black Folk to his unstudied series of parables that depict the lynching of an African American Christ-reveal a virtual obsession with religion. Du Bois's moral, literary, and political imagination is inhabited by religious rhetoric, concepts and stories. Divine Discontent recovers and introduces readers to the remarkably complex and varied religious world in Du Bois's writings. It's a world of sermons, of religious virtues such as sacrifice and piety, of jeremiads that fight for a black American nation within the larger nation. Unlike other African American religious voices at the time, however, Du Bois's religious orientation is distinctly heterodox--it exists outside the bounds of institutional Christianity. Kahn shows how Du Bois self-consciously marshals religious rhetoric, concepts, typologies, narratives, virtues, and moods in order to challenge traditional Christian worldview in which events function to confirm a divine order. Du Bois's antimetaphysical religious voice, he argues, places him firmly in the American tradition of pragmatic religious naturalism typified by William James. This innovative reading of Du Bois should appeal to scholars of American religion, intellectual history, African American Studies, and philosophy of religion. W. E. B. Du Bois Wikipdia William Edward Burghardt Du Bois est n le 23 fvrier 1868 Great Barrington dans le Massachusetts. Ses parents taient Alfred et Mary Silvina (ne Burghardt ... Gates of Vienna After being taken down twice by Blogger within a single week we got the message: Its Time To Go. Gates of Vienna has moved to a new address: Archives - Archives and past articles from the Philadelphia Inquirer Philadelphia Daily News and W. E. B. Du Bois - Wikipedia William Edward Burghardt Du Bois was born on February 23 1868 in Great Barrington Massachusetts to Alfred and Mary Silvina (ne Burghardt) Du Bois. Mary Silvina ... Du Bois W.E.B. "Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others." The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Souls of Black Folk by W. E. B. Du Bois This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions ... Columbia University - Discover the Networks Academic Freedom Policy Obligations and Responsibilities of Officers of Instruction and Research. The University is committed to maintaining a climate of academic ... Goodreads Authors Blog posts videos writing giveaways discussion groups and events from all 197384 Goodreads authors. Sitemap 9780153266522 015326652X Florida Trophies Practice Book Banner Days Grade 2 Harcourt School Publishers 9781593881009 1593881002 Jose Antonio Echeverria Julio ... Abraham Lincoln - Wikipedia Abraham Lincoln (i / e b r h m l k n /; February 12 1809 April 15 1865) was an American politician and lawyer who served as the 16th ... God In America: Timeline - Faith in America PBS Timeline: Faith in America How religious ideas and spiritual experiences have shaped America's public life over the last 400 years
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